Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Review: Cameo and the Vampire

Reviewed by Jen
Let me start by reminding you that you can't judge a book by its cover. I will be the first to admit that this cover would be a total turn-off if I hadn't already read the first two books in this series. But since I was already a fan of Cameo, there was no way I was going to miss the chance to see how her story ends.

This book picks up right where the last one left off. Cameo has barely escaped with her life after being bitten by Edel, then witnessing his murder. She makes her way back to Opal, with Jules --the former assassin and newly turned zombie-- trailing along. Once reunited, Cameo and Opal decide to seek out Kyrian to help heal Opal's injuries.

Kyrian, meanwhile, has met with other acolytes who have called to him for help. They are planning to take down Haffef, who by the way, is focused solely on bringing Cameo's sister back to life. There are a lot of twists and turns that carry us to the inevitable showdown between Cameo and her maker. And that's kind of a double edged sword. One of the things I like best about this series is that it's so different from the other books out there. The characters can't be compared to your standard supernaturals. The setting is unusual and the plotline, unpredictable.

But. There are what felt like a lot of red herrings in this installment. Or maybe they are dangling plotlines... which is bothersome for the conclusion of a series. For instance, there's a surprise baby thrown in and it seems like that might go somewhere and then --it doesn't. Hints of a possible love triangle linger, then crash and burn. And perhaps most disturbing of all is the fate of Cameo's sister. What did she become? Where did she go? She was pretty much the impetus for everything that happened. Then the thread was just dropped.

Obviously, these things bothered me, but I still enjoyed the story. Opal is still a complete enigma to me, even after three books. Cameo is fascinating in her tortured and macabre way. And the series just reeled me in and didn't let go. There was a pretty concrete ending, but it was kind of surprising and left me wondering where things would go from here for our characters. I guess the author believes in leaving them wanting more. Because if she wrote another book, I'd read it. Almost 4 stars.

P.S. If you've never read this series, this book is not the place to start. Give Cameo the Assassin a try. It's usually $.99 on the Kindle.

*ARC provided by author for review

Click to purchase: Amazon
Cameo and the Vampire
by Dawn McCullough-White
Release Date: October 24, 2011
Publisher: Claypipe Press

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