Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Review: Lord of the Abyss

This was definitely my favorite book in the Royal House of Shadows series.  It focuses on Micah, the youngest prince of the magical world of Elden.  He was only five years-old when the evil Blood Sorcerer attacked and killed his parents. Just before they died, the couple used the last of their powers to spirit their children away to safety.  But the Blood Sorcerer twisted the magic, and it landed Micah in the realm between the living and the dead.

He now serves as the Lord of the Abyss. He collects the souls of the dead and ferries them to the other side.  Micah remembers nothing of his childhood.  He doesn't even remember his own name.  Liliana wants to change that. She is the Blood Sorcerer's daughter and knows better than anyone, the depths of her father's evil. She travels to the Black Castle intent on helping Micah remember his life and his destiny, so that he can reclaim the land stolen from his family.

The story is a play on Beauty and the Beast, though Liliana is no beauty.  She manages to see the true man beneath his fierce veneer.  Slowly, she peels back the layers of his armor and reminds him what it is to live and to feel.  It's touching to watch, especially since Liliana, herself, is very damaged.  And it's also quite sexy. 

I liked that the conflicts between Liliana and Micah are resolved in good time.  A lot of authors would have milked their issues out into angst that lasted a lot longer.  I liked the simplicity and purity of their relationship and the steam they generated together.

My only complaint is that the resolution of the series felt rushed.  We've built up the big sibling reunion and battle with the Sorcerer over the course of four books and the climax lasts less than 30 pages.  I liked the book alot as a series installment, but for a finale, I wanted more.  More time for the Sorcerer to get his comeuppance; and especially more time for the siblings to reunite. But it was not to be.  A little more than 4 stars.

*ARC Provided by Net Galley

Click to purchase: Amazon or The Book Depository
Lord of the Abyss
by Nalini Singh
Release Date: November 15, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Nocturne

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At Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 10:52:00 AM CDT , Blogger CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I love all books written by Nalini Singh. She is such a talented writer. I haven't read the series yet, but can it work as a standalone? Or must I go in order? The cover's hot, and you make the book sound so good! Other than the short climax part... Lol, great review!

At Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 11:00:00 AM CDT , Blogger Jen at Red Hot Books said...

Yes. I think it would work as a standalone. One of the problems I had with this series as a whole was the lack of coherency among the different installments. So yeah, I think you could read this without reading the others and still enjoy it. (In fact, you may enjoy it more without the expectations of having it as a series finale.)

At Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 12:20:00 PM CDT , Blogger Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

Great review! I plan on starting this book today and reading your review makes me want to stop typing and read it this second. I don't know why but I have been interested in reading Micah's story since the very beginning.
Book Sniffers Anonymous

At Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 3:56:00 PM CDT , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eek...*slaps hands over eyes* I only saw a little snipit of you saying that you felt the end felt rushed. Man, that is so disappointing...I was hoping that it wouldn't come down to that. I was actually hoping for another novella or novel that all the authors contributed to for the reunion, preperation for the battle, the battle and then the after battle stuff. :-( Why can't I get my way??!! Anyway, I'm waiting for Lord of the Wolfyn to arrive at my local hastings so I can't even think about Lord of the Abyss right now. :-(


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