5 for Friday - July 27

5. With all the excitement surrounding Lover At Last, I feel like I've been neglecting JR Ward's next Fallen Angel release, Rapture. I'm really excited about this one, especially to see the aftermath of the Bad Thing that happened with Eddie in the last book. She has put up a little video teaser on her Facebook page, which I have tried valiantly --an unsuccessfully-- to embed for the past hour. If you want to see, click the screen grab and it will link you out.
Rapture releases September 25.
P.S. Ward has now posted the first line of Lover At Last: "Now THAT is a motherf**kin' whip!" Be still my heart.
4. I know I have been bombarding you with squee about the upcoming Styxx book for weeks now --and I swear this is the last time I am going to talk about it (until I talk about it again.) The book blurb is out!!
Just when you thought doomsday was over…
Centuries ago Acheron protected the human race by imprisoning an ancient evil
bent on absolute destruction. Now that evil has been unleashed and it is out for
As the twin to Acheron, Styxx hasn’t always been on his brother’s side.
They’ve spent more centuries going at each other’s throats than protecting their
backs. Now Styxx has a chance to prove his loyalty to his brother, but only if
he’s willing to trade his life for Acheron’s.
Bethany was born to set right the wrong that left her family imprisoned for
eternity. Now that she’s out, nothing will stop her from fulfilling the bargain
that freed them. She must take the life of the last remaining Atlantean and she
will not fail. But things are never what they seem and Acheron is no longer the
last of his line.
Styxx and Acheron must put aside their past and learn to trust each other or
more will suffer.
Yet it’s hard to risk your own life for someone who once tried to take yours,
even when it’s your own twin, and when loyalties are skewed and no one can be
trusted, not even yourself, how do you find a way back from the darkness that
wants to consume the entire world? One that wants to start by devouring your
very soul?
I love, love, love that Kenyon is writing this book. Even if I have to wait until next year. In the meantime, for League fans, SK has posted an excerpt to Cloak & Silence on her website. That's out in December.
3. I'm sad to say that I am late to the Moira Rogers party. I just read my first book from them a few weeks ago, and now I must make up for lost time. I am almost finished with the Bloodhounds series and I have Impulse and Wild Card loaded on the Nook, ready to read. If you, too, want to get your Moira Rogers fix, it's a great time. Wild Card is free on Amazon! Anyone want to do a read-along?
Free + hot sex = Happiness (Words to live by, my friends.)
2. NBC has ordered 10 episodes of a new Dracula drama, starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Generally, this would be the time I would trot out one of those pictures I am not supposed to post. Instead, let's watch Jonny-boy on YouTube together.
Now let's pretend he has fangs. It's being produced by Carnival Films & Television... the folks behind Downtown Abbey. I am intrigued. Which means it will no doubt be canceled in about five minutes.
1. For a minute, it looked like Matt Bomer was the man for the 50 Shades movie. At least, this Entertainment Weekly cover seemed to be the real deal. (I am crying over the fact that I can't post it right here.) However, the photo has been debunked as a hoax.
I have to admit... they had me convinced. I am so easy. I think I would watch it if Bomber were cast.
Labels: 5 for Friday, by Jen, JR Ward, Moira Rogers, Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ok - first - the JR Ward video just makes me LOL. I mean, reallllly LOL.
also - you must read Rogers' Southern Arcana Series. I mean it!
also - JRM is coming to NBC w/ Dracula?!? I'm excited.
Love this list :)
HAHAHA I have been giggling over the JR Ward video all morning! WTF? What the hell does her putting on pearls and lipstick and popping her collar have to do with the dang book?
Also, I am very surprised at the announcement that Styxx will be the next to get a DH book. I think I wrote him off as a "villain" a long time ago and forgot about him. It's been so long since Acheron's book. Anyway, if there is ANYONE who can redeem a character it's SK.
Great Top 5!!
Thank you! I was shocked that no one was talking about the Ward video when it came out. It's just so... wow.
I started Impulse last night. The sex is just knocking my socks off. (I hid in the car for five minutes before work to finish one particularly smoking scene.)
Sadly, I have decided to shelf Kenyon's DH series. I LOVED the books but the last 3 have really fallen uber-flat for me. However, Styxx... That would be a must read! Isn't there another DH book coming out this fall?
Thanks! Ward has become a character unto herself at this point. (I laugh, but I always download her books at 12:01am on their release days.)
When I saw the first Styxx rumblings a few weeks ago, I was ready to pee my pants. My excitement has yet to wane. I've really missed the Acheron arc.
Yes. Time Untime is coming out this fall, but it's a continuation of the Native American mythology introduced in Redemption. I'm not really jazzed about it. (The Guardian was awesome, though. It's vibe reminded me a lot Zarek's book, which I loved. SK can write some hella-tortured heroes.)
I wasn't going to read Guardian and a few peeps told me "It's like her old books." But I disagree. It fell way flat for me. Maybe I'll skip Time Untime and go straight to Styxx, but I feel like with Kenyon, you can't skip a book for fear of missing something critical.
Oh no! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. The only reason I am reading T/U is because I'm afraid of missing something (like you say.) I'm not excited about the H/h at all. I hate that Kenyon has gone in so many different directions. It's one of the reasons I am so excited for Styxx... it's like going home.
EXACTLY! So you read T/U and tell me all about it. Then let's read Styxx together! :-)
Deal. I'll give you the cliff's notes version. ;)
I heard some chatter about Dracula but ignored it, because well, I'm a shifter girl - not so much vamps. But. JRM changes that. He does intensity so well that I'll give it try when combined with the same people that gave us Abbey. As you say, it'll last 5 minutes, though, if the ratings don't hit a billion. Cable TV would have probably given the show a better survival rate.
He is very intense. Those eyes!!
I agree that cable tv would have given the show a better chance (and likely a higher quality,) but I'm going to give it a try.
I love his eyes. When he used to cut them to someone on Tudors, I would shiver a bit.
Oh, I'll try it and hope that it sticks around. I'm just used to the quick cancellation on the regular channels. Hopefully the show will be on later, so it won't be an 8pm sanitized version.
I'm getting to this post a little late, but I'm glad because you just made my Monday! WOOT! So excited to hear Styxx's side of the story!!! I'm sure it will be just as EPIC as Ash's ginormous tale. I may have to take a vacation day to sit with it...!
I'm also REALLY excited about that first line (is it March, yet?) & OMG for Jonathan Rys Meyers! He was even hot a fake old man with sores on his leg. You just can't go wrong! *scrolls back up to watch the video*
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