Interview & Giveaway: Hailey Edwards

Jen: Tell new readers a bit about the A Hint of Frost.
Hailey: Frost is a marriage of convenience story set against the backdrop of an almost medieval world populated by Araneaeans, people with spiderlike traits. They have fangs, some are venomous, and most spin silk. There are mercenaries, herbologists, and spirit walkers. Riding bears and lizards are how the locals get around, and, word to the wise, avoid the Mimetidae clan at all costs.
Jen: I loved Rhys as a hero --all that great vulnerability. Let's talk about him for a minute.
Hailey: Rhys is a sweetheart. He’s the bastard son of the Mimetidae maven (the clan head), which means he doesn’t belong in his mother’s world or his father’s. He makes his living by hiring out as a mercenary. He loves his family and wants the best for them. It’s not until he meets Lourdes that he discovers what his life’s been missing, someone who will value both the man and his skill, and she gives his warrior’s heart a small measure of peace.
Jen: If you had to do Hollywood casting on Rhys and Lourdes... Who would come the closest to the vision you have of them in your head?
Hailey: Hmm. That’s a tough one. I can’t think of any actors who fit the bill for Rhys, but model Rick Mora is close. As for Lourdes, I can see her as Tonantzin Carmelo.
Jen: I thought the world building was so fresh! Can you talk a little about the spinning element in the book?
Hailey: Thank you! Worldbuilding is my absolute favorite part of writing. For the Araneidae clan, I wanted to create a wealthy clan that would have power and influence throughout the Araneae Nation. Since they aren’t warriors, they needed to have a commodity that would make them invaluable to warriors. With that in mind, I based them on Darwin’s bark spider (Caerostris darwini). Its silk is ten times the strength of Kevlar. So, perfect for making armor and various other items that must be extremely durable.
Each clan uses silk differently, and some don’t spin silk at all. As the series progresses, readers will be shown some very, very cool silk applications. Oops. Was my geek showing there?
Jen: What was your favorite scene?
Hailey: My favorite scene is when Rhys takes Lourdes to the river to bathe. I love the end of it most:
The current swirled about him, curving around his waist and drawing my eye to the hard board of his abdomen. Scars crisscrossed roped muscle, pale against his tan skin. My gaze skipped like a stone across a pond, unsure which part of him to admire first. A dark trail led from his navel to the waterline, and my fingers itched to trace its path. His legs were the first bare thing I’d seen of him, and even they fascinated me. He said look upon him. I had. Now how did I stop?
My fingers curled. “Can I touch you?”
“I think that would be unwise.” His gaze cast upon the shore.
“Oh.” My hand dropped. I hadn’t realized I’d lifted it.
“Water is sacred to the Salticidae.” He touched my cheek. “I have a healthy respect for Old Father and his walking stick. Otherwise, I would have left you under Mana’s supervision.”
Better for us both that he hadn’t. “No touching then.”
“Not while your skin is bare and your eyes are willing.” His grin turned wry. “I placed more faith in myself than was wise. Resisting you clothed is difficult, while naked it’s nigh impossible.” His fingers sank in my hair. “I thought coming to the water would be safer for us.”
“You mean with your honor to hold you accountable and my fear to keep me honest?”
He chuckled. “Something like that.”
I touched his arm. “I respect their beliefs, but I know myself and own my desire.”
He cleared his throat. “I believe I said I owned my actions.”
With a careless shrug that cost me the dregs of my modesty, I stood on knees weak enough to be swayed by the current. Sacred waters kept my virtue untouched, but it also kept Rhys untouched. Digging my toes into the sandy bottom, I owned my desire. My innocence was his. He would be my husband. I knew him well enough to understand he would never let me go.
“Come, partisan.” I curled my fingers. “Help me bathe, then take me to your home.”
I heard him swallow. “As my maven wishes.”
Jen: I liked that scene too! We learn a bit about several different clans in the first book. Will the series continue to focus on the Araneidae clan or perhaps one of the others? Will we have character overlap as the series continues?
Hailey: The Araneidae influence is far reaching, their investments are widespread, and their gold crosses many a palm. There will no doubt be a mention or two of them in each novel. I do plan to write Henri, Armand, and Pascale’s novels, so returning to Erania is like going home for me.
There will be a lot of character overlap throughout the series. I like to check in with old friends and see how they’re doing, you know? The series will follow stories of several clans besides the Araneidae. I didn’t invent the other clans as window dressing. At some point, my goal is to have the story told of a hero or heroine from each clan.
Jen: Can you tell us anything about the next book? Any idea when it will be out?
Hailey: Yes! The second novel is Vaughn’s book and focuses on the Mimetidae and Salticidae clans. We get to visit Cathis in his book, and we also learn more about spirit walking. Plus, there’s a secondary character that’s a real scene stealer. I can’t wait to hear what readers think of him.
I actually submitted the second novel in the series about a week ago, so I won’t have an idea of a release date for a while yet.
Jen: How many do you plan to write in the series?
Hailey: It’s a lush world that lends itself to sequels, but I’ll have to see where the stories take me.
Jen: For fans who want more Hailey Edwards books, tell us a little about your Daughters of Askara series.
Hailey: Daughters of Askara is dear to me. The first novel, Everlong, was the first novel I ever had published. I think that series illustrates my growth as a writer, and for that, it will always have a special place in my heart.
The premise of the series is there are winged demons, Evanti demons, from another realm. Born in Askara, they are so desperate to be free that they travel into another dimension, our Earth, and found a colony there. So you have escaped slaves, different dimensions, Askaran royalty, several kinds of demons, all with wicked tricks, and as we get into the second and third novels, the Evanti demons decide they’re tired of hiding on Earth. They want their home world back, and they start a revolution to free their families back in Askara.
Jen: And you have a new release coming in June, right?
Hailey: I do. The third novel in the Daughters of Askara series, Eversworn, will be released on June 26. It’s Dillon and Isabeau’s story. My editor calls Dillon a sexy grump, and I think that sums him up perfectly.
I also have a novel releasing in August from Forever Yours. The book is Soul Weaver, and it kicks off a new series called Wicked Kin. Readers can keep an eye on my blog or website for more information.
Hailey is giving away a copy of A Hint of Frost. To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. To learn more about Hailey Edwards, you can visit her website or follow her on Twitter.
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Labels: by Jen, Closed Giveaway, Hailey Edwards, Interview
Thank you so much for the chance to read your work! I am always looking for new and inventive back stories from authors.
You are a new author for me. I think the book sounds really interesting. Thanks for the chance.
It's hard to find a unique idea for a fantasy out there, but I do believe that this is one of them. Spiders aren't my favorite creatures, but I'd be interested to see how you weave their characteristics into the story.
wow, I have not heard of A Hint of Frost before, but the book sounds fantastic. I love the scene excerpt and I am definitely adding the book to my TBR. Thank you for the interview and giveaway, I love finding new to me authors and books! Book Savvy Babe
booksavvybabe at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! Sounds interesting!
This has been on my TBB list and I haven't had a chance to snap it up!!!!! I can't wait to read it.
This is a new author for me, so thanks for the interview! I will be checking out her books! They sound like something I'd enjoy reading!
Great interview and excerpt. The book sounds good.
Thanks for a fun interview and giveaway! I've read such great reviews for this book, it was already on my wishlist :)
I Love The Interview It Was Awesome I Want This Book It On My Gotta Have List.
Thanks for the great interview. This book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.
Thanks so much to Jen for hosting me!
And thank you all for stopping by to chat with me.
JenM, if you like vampires then I think you'll be okay with my Araneaeans. Some clans are venomous, and some spin silk from their fingertips, but they're loosely based on vamps (because I think getting nibbled is hot).
Book Savvy Babe, if you'd like a review copy then feel free to contact me through my website. I'd be glad to send you one.
Hey Jennifer! I hope you'll enjoy Frost when you get a chance to read it.
Erin, that's so great to hear. I hope you'll enjoy the book as well. :)
Hi Hailey! I'm thrilled to come across this post. I love Fantasy Romance but seem to have a hard time finding books in this genre. Checking out your books now! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hello Hailey,
Thank you for stopping by Red Hot Books & spending time out of your busy day with Us.
I just wanted to say to those Readers who have not read any of Hailey's Books yet, you do NOT know what you are missing!!!! I had the privilege of reading Books 1 & 2 of Hailey's Fantasy/Paranormal Romance Series, Daughters of Askara Series...“Everlong” & “Evermine”. This Series is Romantic with Sensual Sexual Tension between the Sexy Heroes & Heroines....add twists & turns of Intrigue & have yourselves a MUST Read Series!!! I can't wait until “Eversworn”, Daughters of Askara Series, Book Three, is released on June 26th.
Your New Fantasy Romance release, “A Hint of Frost”, Araneae Nation, Book One, LQQks like another WINNER Hailey!!!!
Since I LOVE Paranormal Genres (I'm sure you guessed that by my name lol) I think the idea of a medieval-like world populated by people with spiderlike traits is just FANTASTIC!!! Especially when there are fangs, some are venomous, and most spin silk & riding bears and lizards are how the locals get around. Ohhhh Yeahhhh, this New Series is for me Hailey!!!! :) I can't wait to read Rhys & Lourdes’ Story. Your new Book has ALL the ingredients I LOVE in a Paranormal Fantasy Romance & sooooo much MORE!!! What's even better is finding out that there's already a Book 2, "A Feast of Souls", Vaughn’s Book...& I really liked the Six Sentence Sunday Snippets you shared on your website! But there's just one problem, now I want to read BOTH of them, NOW!!! LOL
Whewwww & you even have ANOTHER Series...WOW you've been veryyyy busy :) “Soul Weaver” from your new Series, Wicked Kin...Oh Hailey, I wanted you to know that I Say Hello to Nathaniel every time I LQQk at my Desktop Wallpaper. ;) LOL That is a Big WOW!!!!! Absolutely Beautiful!!!! Thank you for also sharing the Six Sentence Sunday Snippets for “Soul Weaver”.
I think I have taken enough of your time by now. LOL But Everyone, Seriously, you can't go wrong, Go out & one of Hailey's Books...I bet you'll be buying more!!!
Take Care & Much Success on Your Recent Release,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com
Thanks for this giveaway. I look forward to reading this story.
This sounds like a really good read it's going on my looong tbr list. Thanks for the giveaway!
sounds like a great read. Am adding to my long wish list.
Hi Linda, I'm so glad to hear you're actively seeking fantasy romance. It does my heart good, since it's my favorite genre to write. :)
Hi Renee'! Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm thrilled you enjoyed the Askara books. If you enjoy fangs and fantasy, I think you'll enjoy Frost as well. And yes, Soul Weaver is part of a new series. It will be released in August (in print and digitally) from Forever Yours. I'm also smiling because you downloaded Nathaniel's wallpaper. I had so much fun making it, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :D
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