Review: His Dark Bond

Reviewed by Jen
Thousands of years ago, an elite class of angels were tricked into turning on the archangel Michael. As punishment, they were cast out of heaven, forced to live a nearly mortal existence on earth, without their souls. Their only chance to return to heaven would come if they found their soul-mates and bonded to them.In the first book of the series, Bond With Me, the first soul-mate was discovered after nearly 3000 years. And now, many of the Fallen have hope. Of course, several of their kind have already given up. No longer content just to sip off the souls of humans, they are sucking them dry, twisting into dark versions of their former selves. It's those twisted Fallen that Zer and his men must fight.
Zer was the leader of the warrior angels who attacked Michael all those years ago, and has never gotten over his guilt for his actions. And when the beautiful scientist Nessa comes into his life, as a potential soul-mate for one of the Fallen, he doesn't even consider that he might be the one for her. Of course he is, though. The story follows Nessa and Zer as they find their way to each other --and work to keep her out of the clutches of the very man who orchestrated the angels' fall all those years ago.
This book was really, really hot. Zer is a sexy, dominating alpha who does a really fantastic job of sexing up our heroine. His band of angel-brothers is also a big win. Especially Nael and Vkhin. The men are all well-drawn, with distinct (and swoon-worthy) personalities.
However, the book was not without problems. My biggest issue was that I often felt like I did not have a complete grasp on the world-building. Some of my questions cleared up over the course of the book, but others never completely went away... especially when it came to the nuances of bonding and soul-sipping -- as well some questions about the Fallen who went rogue and the Preserves where they were ?imprisoned? --Maybe some of this was explained more fully in the first book, but I found myself scratching my head too many times, and sadly that kept pulling me out of the story. In addition, I felt like there were some abrupt shifts in the story telling that I found jarring.
It's a dark book with a lot of angst and a generous helping of sexy times. I just wish I hadn't felt lost so many times during the read. 3 stars.
*ARC Provided by author for review
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His Dark Bondby Anne MarshRelease Date: January 31, 2012Publisher: Brava
Labels: Angels, Anne Marsh, ARC, by Jen, Paranormal Romance
Ah. But still, 3 stars isn't a bad thing. :) I look forward to reading this one, though I should probably read the first book in the series before I read this one. :)
No, not a bad thing. There were things I really enjoyed about the book. It's dark and sexy and yummy in those respects.
I'd like to think I'd be firmer on the world building if I had read the first book.
:) Yeah, I know the feeling. I keep telling myself I won't read anymore series out of order...and then I either receive or buy a new one that I really want to read and *oops* it's not the first in the series. *SIGH* One of these days I am going to break myself of this nasty habit. Hopefully...
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