Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Review: Double Cross

Wow. Just wow.

Reviewed by Jen
I thought the ending for Mind Games was unexpected. But clearly Carolyn Crane was just giving me a sneak preview of how blown away I would be by the end of Double Cross. Did I just say blown away? How about shocked? Flabbergasted? Amazed? All of the above!!

As this installment begins, Justine is with Otto, but their relationship is still on tender ground. She is working with Packard and her fellow disillusionists to reform all the people Otto has locked up with his force fields. One of the marks is Ez, a woman with the power over dreams... a woman who worms her way into Justine's mind while Justine does the same to her. But I'll come back to that in a minute.

As the disillusionists attend to their duties, there is a new threat to the city. A group of people are killing off highcaps. The killers not only have the ability to identify their targets, but they are also immune to their powers. Packard and Otto both fear the threat, and Justine finds herself working to identify the killers as well.

Amidst all of this, Justine continues to struggle with her conflicting feelings. She is torn about the morality involved with disillisioning. And even though she loves Otto, she is still drawn to Packard. Those feelings are intensified when Ez starts pulling Justine and Packard into each other's dreams.

There is so much going on, and much like Justine, I found my affections bouncing back and forth between Packard and Otto. Until the end. The Omigod I can't believe that just happened end. The end that I will not spoil for you. But I will tell you that it turns everything on its ear.

While Mind Games was good, this book truly bumped the series up a notch. Justine is growing so much. She has a moral center that so many people around her lack. I found myself loving Shelby, growing more interested in Simon --and sinking deep into the backstory between Packard and Otto. It was just fantastic. But don't read it without having Head Rush standing by. Otherwise, you might just pull your hair out. Almost 5 stars.

Click to purchase: Amazon
Double Cross
by Carolyn Crane
Release Date: September 28, 2010
Publisher: Spectra

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At Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 10:13:00 AM CST , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this when it first came out and then had to wait over a year to finally get Head Rush. I thought I was going to die waiting to see what happens!

Paranormal Haven

At Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 10:35:00 AM CST , Blogger Jen at Red Hot Books said...

That had to suck so much! I was at Barnes and, downloading Head Rush about 30 seconds after I finished this one...

At Monday, February 20, 2012 at 10:31:00 AM CST , Blogger Twimom227 said...

LOL... I'm reading your reviews in reverse order. But yes! Great, great book. I too immediately downloaded the books - I think I went to Kindle at 1:00AM for this book - as soon as I finished Mind Games!

At Monday, February 20, 2012 at 10:35:00 AM CST , Blogger Jen at Red Hot Books said...

I feel so sorry for the people who had to wait between the end of this book and Head Rush.


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