Review: Eternal Captive

Lucian is the youngest of the Roman brothers, and he is destined to follow in his father's footsteps as the next Breeding Male. He'd rather die than live as such a rutting beast. But he can keep his fragile hold on sanity, as long as he can keep himself from having sex with Bronwyn, the one woman with whom he has shared his blood. Of course, he wants her like he has never wanted any other woman, but he is determined fight his attraction.
Unfortunately, the villain of our story has other ideas. He forces Lucian and Bron together in another reality, knowing the two of them will eventually give in to their desires. And sure enough, they do. And Lucian begins to transform, but they find hope for his salvation.
I'm not going to spoil the details. But I will say I loved their romance. Both Lucian and Bronwyn fought it so hard, which only made it that much sweeter when they gave in to their feelings. Wright has crafted such fantastic characters here and I was completely invested in them and desperate for them to find happiness.
The side stories were great as well, from backstory on Nicolas' twin and the other rejects... to the heartbreaking Syn and Juliet... to the amazing set-up for Gray and Dillon's book. It was all just golden. --Plus the sex was really hot. Did I mention the sex? (**fans self**) I loved the resolution to Lucian and Bronwyn's story. I just loved it all. Well, all except for that ubiquitous "c-word." 5 stars.
*Cunt count = 38
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Eternal Captiveby Laura WrightRelease Date: February 7, 2012Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Labels: by Jen, Laura Wright, Paranormal Romance, Vampires
I read this book but hadn't read the previous two. I think if I had, I would have liked it more.
I hate the C U Next Tuesday word! It's so crass and harsh. I hate when it pops in erotic romance. There's nothing sexy about that word.
LOL, love that you actually counted the C-words and the book still got a great review :) Glad you liked it, the series is on my TBR, but I haven't started it yet Book Savvy Babe
I agree. It really takes me out of the romance.
I just didn't think I could convey how frequently it's used without counting. --Other than that, I really enjoyed it!
I've heard so many great things about this one, I look forward to reading it (along with books 1 and 2), as soon as I can
Have to agree: C-word just doesn't do it for me either...
Though, really, I have a bigger problem with "dick". I'm sorry, but everytime I read that in A sex scene, especially when either the hero or heroine calls it that, it pulls me out of the moment a bit. To me, "dick" should be exclusively for insulting some one, not for love scenes. Call it *almost* any other name you want, but please, no more dicks! LOL.
Or is that just me?!
TBQ's Book Palace
That's how I feel about the c-word. It's an insult, not a hot body part.
As for dick, it doesn't bother me... but I do prefer cock. (Where else could you have a conversation like this... really?)
"(Where else could you have a conversation like this... really?)"
Oh, so very true! :)
*Snort* I'm just picturing the look on people's faces if they were reading this conversation and had no idea what we were talking about... :D
Oh, the fun conversations romance fans get into--like they say, it's not your mama's romances anymore, and the same goes with the discussions!
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